Christian Education at Trinity is an important and vital ministry. Our Christian Education Committee is made up of several members who share a mutual commitment to education in the Lutheran church today. This committee oversees the curricula utilized in all programs, staff background checks, and any new activities presented throughout the year.

Currently, the committee members are:

The committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Any member of Trinity in good standing is welcome to be a part of this vibrant committee. Please contact the church office at (610) 377-4303 or via email at if you are interested in serving as member of this committee. The Christian Education Committee oversees the following programs:

Sunday Church School

At Trinity, we have an awesome team of teachers ready to meet, greet and teach the children, from age 3 through Grade 6, each Sunday morning from 9:45-10:45 a.m. We currently use the "Whirl" Curriculum. This curriculum is Lutheran based and brings a message of God's grace, forgiveness and love. It is also lectionary based, which is a key feature. This means that as families attend our worship service(s) each Sunday morning, the children attending Sunday Church School hear the same Bible lesson(s) from worship that day reinforced through videos, puzzles, and other fun activities. Children leave the classroom each week with a learning leaflet, which assists families in talking about what was taught each week, all the while keeping the parental promises made at Baptism. Special theme activities are also held during the Sunday Church School hour or after the 11:00 worship service on designated days throughout the year including a Palm Sunday Parade, a Spring Fling Day (1st-4th grades), a Cabin Fever Day (5th and older), a Make-Your-Own Sundae Sunday, just to name a few. These special activities are announced through our monthly Sunday Church School newsletter handed out during the Sunday Church School hour. For information about Sunday Church School enrollment, please contact the church office at (610) 377-4303 or via email at

1st Holy Communion

1st Holy Communion instruction is offered to all baptized 5th graders or older baptized children during Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter). The children are instructed over a three-day period after school in the Youth Room with videos and numerous hands-on activities, including a "Re-Enactment of the Last Supper--the very 1st Holy Communion," part of the Maundy Thursday worship service. This is most definitely a hands-on learning experience! We also hold a 1st Holy Communion dinner on Maundy Thursday prior to the worship service for the students and their families sponsored by our Evangelism and Hospitality Committee. For more information or to register your child for 1st Holy Communion Instruction, please contact the church office at (610) 377-4303 or via email at


Our Confirmation program at Trinity is a two-year program for 7th and 8th graders, utilizing a two-year curriculum. All tweens must have completed 1st Holy Communion instruction from any Christian church prior to entering the Confirmation Program. Additional information about our Confirmation Program may be obtained by contacting the church office at (610) 377-4303 or via email at

Vacation Bible School

Each summer as Sunday School ends Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held for children Age 3-Grade 6 for three consecutive evenings (6:30-8:30pm) with a Closing Program on the final evening. The Closing Program is where the children actively participate and families are invited to attend. The materials chosen for VBS are fun filled and enthusiastic carrying a message of God's love through Jesus Christ. Our staff for VBS is usually 40 volunteers or more. Each evening, the children learn "hands-on" through a Bible Lesson, Games & Snacks, Music, a Mission project helping children of another country, and Arts & Crafts. VBS is a great way to keep the children thinking about how God is working in their lives and the world. Pre-registration forms are available online or from the church office.

Bear Creek Camp

Bear Creek Camp is located just outside of Wilkes-Barre, PA, and is one of the largest Lutheran-based camps in our area. Trinity is an active participant and financial supporter in the year-round programs of Bear Creek Camp. One-week summer camp scholarships are available each year from Trinity. More information and applications may be obtained by calling the church office at (610) 377-4303 or via email at

TEY (Theological Education for Youth)

TEY is a program that is overseen by the Lutheran Seminary at Philadelphia and Gettysburg. Youth from 9th through 12th grade may apply to be accepted into this one-week overnight program. TEY is designed to amplify the faith and witness of high school youth as gifted leaders and theologians. TEY has been in existence for over ten years offering transforming events with youth usually held on a Lutheran college campus. Those who are accepted will receive a full scholarship offered by the Special Gifts Committee at Trinity. More information about this life-changing program for Youth is obtainable by contacting the church office at (610) 377-4303, via email at or by emailing Chelle Huth, Director of TEY, at Brochures are also available from the Christian Education Office at Trinity.

Learning Ministries Day

Each year, all of our Christian Education staff, any high school youth or adult member in good standing of Trinity are invited to attend this annual synod wide event, usually held in late winter or early spring. Workshops are led by professional ministry folks from all over our synod territory. This is a fun filled day of learning new and exciting things going on around the synod. A different guest speaker each year and lunch is also provided along with the workshops. To learn more information about this day and how to obtain an application, please contact the church office at (610) 377-4303 or via email at

Youth Ministry

Many activities are available for youth in 5th-12th grades, including snow tubing, Bear Creek Camp events, Dorney Park passes, Hershey Park passes, Cabin Fever Day, Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF of NE PA Synod) retreats, and the triennial ELCA Youth Gatherings.

Copyright © 1973 - , Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Lehighton PA, USA