Message, News and Events

Bulletin for Sunday, February 16: 6th Sunday After Epiphany—Worship With the Sacrament of Holy Communion

For anyone unable to attend in person, the worship service, led by Kathy Long, Licensed Lay Minister, is live streamed at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday on Trinity's Facebook page. The Sunday bulletin can be downloaded here and the children's bulletin is available here.

Grow in Faith

Many Christians urge fellow believers to "Just believe!" but it's not always as easy as that, especially when the storm clouds close in around you.


Women of the ELCA
Febuary 9: Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East

Installation of Kathy Long, LLM
Please join us on Sunday, February 9, at our 9:30 a.m. service for the installation of Kathy Long, Licensed Lay Minister, as our full-time pastoral leader. This is a joyous time in the life of our congregation! The Rev. Christopher deForest, Bishop of the Northeastern PA Synod, ELCA, will be the installing minister. A brunch will be held in Luther Hall immediately following the service. All are welcome!

Faith Night at the Lehigh Valley Phantoms
If you're an ice hockey fan, please plan on joining us at Faith Night, hosted by the Lehigh Valley Phantoms, on Sunday, March 16, at 3:05 p.m. at the PPL Center in Allentown. The cost is $21 per person. The deadline to sign up (in the narthex or church office) is Sunday, February 16.

Annual Snow Tubing Event
Trinity will be making its annual trek to Blue Mountain Ski Area on Sunday, March 2, from 5-7 p.m. for an exciting evening of snow tubing. The cost is $16 per church member, who may invite one guest for $16. Additional guests are $32. A sign-up sheet and release forms are on the Youth bulletin board. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, February 23.

Pantry Item for February
The pantry item for February is PORK & BEANS. Please place your donation in the basket by the church entrance or bring it to the church office. A total of 43 cans of soup were donated in December. Your support for those among us with food insecurity is greatly appreciated!

Council Highlights—January 2025

  • Approved the recommendations from Trinity's Special Gifts Fund Committee to send benevolence interest monies totaling $22,500 to 12 charities.
  • Discussed and approved Licensed Lay Minister Kathy Long's installation and contract as our full-time pastoral leader, which will include salary, housing allowance, health insurance, pension, life insurance, prescriptions, and vacation.
  • Approved Kathy Long's 2025 housing allowance for inclusion in the meeting minutes, as required by the IRS.

Service Times
  • First Saturday Worship at 4:00 p.m.
  • Sunday Worship at 9:30 a.m.
  • Sunday School at 10:45 a.m.
Church News

Cancellation of Services Policy

In the event of inclement weather, please check the following for the status of our services and activities: WFMZ-TV (Channel 69); BRC-TV (Channel 13); the church office (610-377-4303) for a recorded message; or Trinity's Facebook page.

Youth Group News

Trinity's Youth Group for grades 7 through 12 meets the last Sunday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. in the Youth Room. Come enjoy lunch, fun, and activities with Alex! As always, feel free to bring a friend. Adult chaperones are always needed, so if you would like to help, please contact the church office or speak with Alex.

Jack & Jill Preschool

Registrations are now being accepted for the 2025/2026 school term. You do not have to be a member of Trinity or live in the Lehighton Area School District to have your child attend the preschool. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to schedule an appointment to tour the preschool. Scholarships are available to help families defray some or all of the cost. If you would like to learn more about Trinity's preschool program, please call Jane Howells, preschool director, at 610-377-6562, email her at, or visit their website.

Ink Jet Cartridge Recycling
Please drop your used ink jet cartridges in the containers in the church office or narthex. You can also drop them in the blue tote on the side porch at the preschool. Recycling ink cartridges results in needed funding for the preschool!

Amazon Wish List
The preschool has created a wish list on Amazon, with many great items that they could use for the classroom. For February, printer paper would really be appreciated. Click here to make a purchase. If you prefer to buy locally, your donations can be placed in the basket in the church narthex, in the blue bin on the side porch at the preschool, or they can be left with Bev in the church office.

Monetary donations are always appreciated by the preschool. Please write "General Donation" in the memo line of your check. Gift cards from Walmart, Amazon, and Giant are also accepted.

Copyright © 1973 - , Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Lehighton PA, USA