Message, News and Events

Bulletin for Sunday, July 28: 10th Sunday After Pentecost

For anyone unable to attend in person, the worship service, led by Kathy Long, SALM, is live streamed at 9:30 a.m. Sunday on Trinity's Facebook page. The bulletin can be downloaded here, and a children's bulletin is available here.

Trust God in the Darkness

Every follower of Jesus faces days where his or her spiritual life seems mediocre and their enthusiasm is dampened by indifference.


Women of the ELCA
July 9: Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East

FREE Movie Night
Join us for our next movie night on Saturday, July 20, starting at 7 p.m. in Luther Hall. The featured movie will be the hilariously funny "Shrek!" Admission is FREE, and popcorn, snacks, and drinks will be available to purchase.

Vacation Bible School
A joint Vacation Bible School with Trinity and Zion UCC will be held Monday, July 22, through Wednesday, July 24, from 6-8 p.m. at Trinity. This year's theme is "Start the Party: Celebrate the Good News." All children age 3 through grade 6 are invited to attend and bring a friend! Registration forms are available in the narthex, on the bulletin board by the church library, and on our website at (click on "Online Forms" under the "Online Forms/Pictures" tab).

Pantry Item for July
The pantry item for July is PASTA. Please place your donation in the basket by the church entrance or bring it to the church office. A total of 34 boxes of cereal were received in May. Your support for those among us with food insecurity is greatly appreciated!

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Church Picnic
Please join us on Sunday, August 11, at noon for our annual church picnic. It will be held at Baer Memorial Park Pool Pavilion. Hot dogs, rolls, and drinks will be provided, but everyone is asked to bring a covered dish to share. Food will be served from noon to 2 p.m. Swimming is FREE from noon until the pool closes! Please sign up in the narthex or call the church office. We hope to see you there!

Council Highlights—June 2024

  • Property Committee reported two doors have been ordered for the Pantry and Thrift Store.
  • Reviewed and provided comments on the congregational profile prepared by the Call Committee.
  • Waived the rental fee for Pastor Moore's memorial service on June 29.
  • Another bus trip to Sight & Sound to see Noah is being considered for June 2025.

Service Times
  • First Saturday Worship at 4:00 p.m.
  • Sunday Worship at 9:30 a.m.
  • Sunday School at 10:45 a.m. (no Sunday School during summer)
Church News

Best Wishes, Graduates!

The following high school graduates were recognized on Sunday, June 9:
Synceray Behler
Ashley Christman
Aidan Gruber
Reese Scaturro
Elizabeth Troutman

Youth Group News

Trinity's Youth Group for grades 7 through 12 meets the last Sunday of the month from noon to 1 p.m. in the Youth Room. Come enjoy lunch, fun, and activities with Alex! As always, feel free to bring a friend. Adult chaperones are always needed, so if you would like to help, please contact the church office or speak with Alex.

Jack & Jill Preschool

Registration continues for the 2024/2025 school term that begins in September 2024. You do not have to be a member of Trinity, or live in the Lehighton Area School District, in order to have your child attend the preschool. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to schedule an appointment to tour the preschool. Scholarships are available to help families defray some or all of the cost. If you would like to learn more about Trinity's preschool program, please call them at 610-377-6562, email them at, or visit their website.

Ink Jet Cartridge Recycling
Please drop your used ink jet cartridges in the containers in the church office or narthex. You can also drop them in the blue tote on the side porch at the preschool. Recycling ink cartridges results in needed funding for the preschool!

Amazon Wish List
The preschool has created a wish list on Amazon, with many great items that they could use for the classroom. Click here to make a purchase. If you prefer to buy locally, your donations can be placed in the basket in the church narthex, in the blue bin on the side porch at the preschool, or they can be left with Bev in the church office.

Monetary donations are always appreciated by the preschool. Gift cards from Walmart, Amazon, and Giant are also accepted.

Copyright © 1973 - , Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - Lehighton PA, USA